No matter how determined we may be, we don’t always keep “Safety First” in mind when it comes to summer fun around the pool, patio or back yard. Sometimes the consequences can be as simple as a stubbed toe, but other times “sun fun” can lead to painful consequences, like heat stroke, sun stroke or heat exhaustion.

The term “heat stroke” is pretty self explanatory. It means that heat from over exertion (exertional heat stroke) or that exposure to high temperatures without physical activity (non-exertional heat stroke) has been too much for you  and results in a breakdown in your body’s systems. The term “sun stroke” means simply that you’re having these issues because of your activities while in the sun. Sun stroke, then, would be an exacerbating addition to heat stroke. Either way…no ‘Sun Fun’ for you if you aren’t careful!

The best way to avoid sun-stroke is to prepare your outdoor area first, by making sure you have a place to cool down quickly (and that doesn’t mean just having a pool handy) and by paying attention to the signs that your body is giving you at all times, whether it’s telling you that you need to drink something, sit in the shade, slow down or get out of the sun. There may not be anyone else who will remember these things for you…It’s up to you!

Preparing your outdoor space is not necessarily an expensive affair. If you have even a little imagination you can see to it that the surrounding area has everything needed for comfort and safety, whether your pool is in ground or above. Elegance or luxury, all the amenities or Spartan functionality…just be sure your space includes:

  • Shade: make sure that your shady area allows an air current (perhaps even keep a battery operated personal fan on hand) and an elevated surface for an emergency ‘lay down’
  • Extra hand towels which can be used as cool compresses
  • Cooler(s) or dorm fridge for cool drinks and plenty of ice (always keep a cool pack or two in there also)
  • Water on ice for ample, continuous hydration and core cooling*
  • Water and/or beverages with electrolytes added, for emergencies (allowing about a half gallon per person for that purpose)
  • First Aid kit
  • Emergency contact list by a phone

* Icy cold water can cause stomach cramping if you drink too fast when you’re too over heated

By the way, don’t forget your pets who may share your fun-in-the-sun recreation! Dogs and cats (and guinea pigs, rabbits, etc) all wear fur coats year ’round and they have no way of cooling down except by panting. Because of this, domestic animals can be prone to sun or heat stroke as well, only it’s much easier to turn deadly for them.

One of those water cooler type of watering dishes would work outside, only think about putting a tray or so of ice cubes in the reservoir and wrapping it in a towel or flexible foam, like the stuff movers use when packing your china. Keep his dishes up off the ground and in the shade. Have a shady place for your pet to rest, perhaps under a ceiling fan.


If it’s extra hot out, so much so that even the shade is sweltering, how about a wading pool under the awning or gazebo! Pets or kids can stay cool no matter where under the sun they are…okay, kids of any age!

When spending time outdoors in the fresh air and sunshine, whether it’s summertime, autumn, winter or spring, always prepare for heat stroke, sun stroke or heat exhaustion. Obviously, the above mostly refers to your summertime “Sun Fun”. Off season is different.

ptg02239329While you won’t necessarily be wearing a bathing suit, that doesn’t preclude the possibility of acquiring a sunburn, regardless of where on earth you live or what time a year you spend time by your pool. Some of the worst burns you can get can happen on a ski slope because of the reflective surface of snow. Just so, reflection from your pool doesn’t cease to be an issue simply because it is springtime or autumn. Hence, a good sunblock that is suited to your skin type can’t hurt a thing.

go-shade-hybid-lime21In order to help with the issue of sunburn, there are sun shade meshes available that will allow the sun to shine through while blocking much of the UVB rays, so helping to prevent sunburn. You can find these products by doing an internet search or by typing in the name of a manufacturer you may be acquainted with and adding a “.com” behind it. If you’re in the mood for a bargain, try out and check out one of their listed vendors.

No matter how you look at it, being aware of your surroundings and paying attention to the signals your body may be giving you doesn’t mean you’re being overly cautious, any more than looking both ways when you cross a street instead of only one direction makes you overly cautious. If you want to have fun in the sun, take precautions ahead of time and get into the habit of “listening” to your body.

If not, well, sun stroke is only a careless minute of neglect away!

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* Note: Opinion is not advice! If you have concerns about your health or would like advice on how to accommodate any medical condition you may have, talk to a doctor first, before changing your health and/or exercise routines.